Thursday, April 30, 2009

What is Mesothelioma Lung Cancer and What Should You Do If You Have It?

By Wayne Wilkinson

Since the mining days, the workers on the mining sites especially the ones with asbestos, suffered sooner or later from a form of cancer which is known as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which affects people due to prolonged exposure to asbestos dust, fiber etc.

This form of cancer affects the lining along the walls of the internal organs which is known as mesothelium. It mainly is prominent in the lungs and the chest walls. Working with asbestos is said to be the main cause of mesothelioma lung cancer and is believed to be more prominent in men than in women.

If a person who is suffering form mesothelioma lung cancer and believes that the onset of the disease is due to his past working experience in an asbestos mining site, then the affected person can file a lawsuit against the mining company. By filing a lawsuit the affected person cannot improve his health conditions but can definitely hope to provide sufficient compensation for his hospitalization and care and his family benefits.

In order to file a lawsuit, an mesothelioma affected person can do so individually or in a group of similarly affected people. If a group of people file a lawsuit, then its known as a class action lawsuit and will have to have certain benefits for the affected persons. This is because, class action lawsuits will have to have a deadline set for settlement and the group can be represented by an mesothelioma class action lawyer.

Howsoever you go for a lawsuit, your lawyer and law firm should have the required expertise in the field of mesothelioma compensation. A good lawyer can derive from his past experience and help you to decide what should be the right form of action and procedures.

You should always be in touch with your lawyer about the case and the status of the lawsuit so that if any information is required from your side, it can be communicated as soon as is possible. When you retain your mesothelioma lawyer you should check out what their payment terms and conditions are. Most of the mesothelioma lawyers do not charge their mesothelioma affected clients with any form of fees till the case is settled.

When the case is lost, the mesothelioma lawyer does not charge the client any compensation for his item and effort. On the other hand , if the affected client has won the compensation , then the lawyer will get a percentage of the winnings. This ensures that the lawyer will be putting 100% in the case and there will be no fraudulent scenarios. So these conditions can be reviewed by the client at the onset of a new case so that there is no confusion regarding the lawyer's fees and other charges later on.

If you are in doubt as to whether to consult a mesothelioma lawyer, do proceed towards a reputed law firm, as most of the mesothelioma lawyers do not charge for a consultation. After the free consultation if you decide not to go through with a mesothelioma lawsuit, you will have no obligations towards the lawyers.

For help locating a mesothelioma cancer attorney please visit:

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Urine Test Could Gauge Smokers Lung Cancer Risk

By Ty Magnum

Humans can often be stubborn, & ignorant. Smoking has short & long term health risks, yet we continue to light up the "ole cancer stick." Often, nothing can make us stop this nasty habit, believing it "won't happen to me."

Recently, evidence was produced at the American Association for Cancer Research that a warning test may be available in the next few years to be used as a "kick in the pants" for smokers.

Research has shown that when a risk of lung cancer is high, a person's urine shows an elevated percentage of 2 different chemicals.

Lung cancer is the most deadly of all tumors, with more than 215,020 new diagnosis being made in 2008. There are approximately 60 carcinogens found in tobacco smoke; identifying the byproducts or metabolites may help researchers determine which may lead to tumors.

Smokers with an advanced level of the metabolite NNAL have been recognized as having 2 times the likelihood of contracting lung cancer.

Cotinine has also been recognized as a huge indicator of risk. It is a nicotine byproduct, & the presence of this metabolite in smokers has shown them to have 3 times the risk, as compared to smokers with lower levels.

The unfortunate patient who has elevated levels of both cotinine & NNAL are 8.5 times more destined to have lung cancer, than those smokers with lower levels of the two.

It has been found that these 2 factors mean more danger for smokers than even daily consumption, or length of smoking time.

What makes one smoker more likely to have concentrated levels of these byproducts than another one? No one knows. Metabolic systems, heredity and genes all play a definitive part.

Researchers under no circumstances want this to be a license for some smokers to continue their nasty habit even though their levels of the 2 byproducts may be low. Smoking has no value, it only has detriments for the body and for those inhaling their secondary smoke. Hopefully, the urine test, in the future, will provide a needed wake up call and save lives.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Symptoms of Lung Cancer

By Randolph Meresmaa

Lung cancer is the most lethal of malignant diseases worldwide and is still the leading cause of cancer related deaths in the USA. Although the overall deaths in Western Europe and United Stated have decreased since 1991, global lung cancer rates are expected to rise because of ongoing tobacco use.

For the majority of the time lung cancer is clinically silent because they grow from a single malignant cell to a potentially detectable lesion. The majority of people already have the symptoms of lung cancer at the time of diagnosis. In only about 10% of cases is lung cancer discovered incidentally in an asymptomatic patient.One of the first symptoms of lung cancer is cough, which occurs in 45-75% of patients. Cancer types with a predilection for central airway involvement may cause cough earlier in their course. But peripherally located tumors may only cause cough as a late symptom. A change in the character of a chronic cough, such as new hemoptysis or co-existent chills and fever, should raise suspicion of an additional process such as lung cancer.

Tumor involvement of the chest wall, parietal pleura, and mediastinum leads to chest pain as an initial symptom or complaint in 25-50% of patients. Other causes of pain include postobstructive pneumonitis, pulmonary embolism, and rib cage metastases.

5-8% of lung cancer patients experience hoarseness which is usually attributable to unilateral left vocal paralysis resulting from damage to the left recurrent laryngeal nerve anywhere along its intrathoracic course.

Physical exam is a vital component of the lung cancer evaluation as it may provide important prognostic, diagnostic, and staging clues. The outside appearance may look normal or it may reveal debilitation, cachexia, lethargy, pallor, jaundice, fever, or significant comorbidities. Blood pressure irregularities can be seen in conjunction with neurologic or adrenal paraneoplastic phenomena.

A thorough nervous system examination is crucial, especially in patients with headache, sensorimotor complaints, and back pain. Unilateral lower extremity swelling, tenderness, and erythema may accompany deep venous thromboses.

Over 350 non-toxic natural and alternative treatments that have helped thousands of people beat their cancer. Over 2,000 testimonials! Success rates for surgery, chemo and radiation revealed! Free information on financial and other help available. Download this set of 4 e-Books and Reports NOW. It could save your life.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What Causes Lung Cancer?

By Randolph Meresmaa

Lung cancer is responsible for 1.3 million deaths worldwide. It is the most common cause of cancer related deaths among men and second most common among women. Unfortunately the deaths are increasing not decreasing.

1. Smoking

No surprise here, smoking is the leading cause. Almost 90% of this disease is caused by smoking in the developed world. The risk of developing it for male smokers is 17.2% and 11.6% for female smokers. So the risk factor is very high. If you are a nonsmoker then the risk of having lung cancer is 1.3% for men and 1.4% in women. The changes of developing it is influenced by the time a person smokes and also by the rate a person smokes. And if a person stops smoking then the risk of cancer will steadily decrease because damage to the lungs is repaired slowly. Passive smoking is also a cause of cancer among nonsmokers. Someone living or working with smoker(s) is considered a passive smoker. If you live with a smoker, you have 2 to 3 times the risk of developing this disease compared with a person who lives in a nonsmoking environment.

2. Radon Gas

Radon exposure is the second major cause, after smoking. Radon is a gas that is generated by the breakdown of radioactive radium, it is colorless and odorless. This process of breaking down radium can cause mutations that sometimes can turn cancerous. The levels of radon gas vary by the composition of underlying soil and rocks. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that one in 15 homes in the United States has radon levels that are above the recommended guideline.

3. Asbestos

Asbestos is a material that is used in construction. In the UK, asbestos accounts for 2-3% of male lung cancer deaths. Asbestos can enter the body by being inhaled or swallowed. Contact with asbestos over time has been linked with the disease. Most contact with asbestos is work-related. There is also a synergistic effect between smoking tobacco and asbestos in the formation of lthe disease.

4. Viruses

Viruses are known to cause this disease among animals and recent evidence has shown the there is a similar potential in humans as well. Implicated viruses include human papillomavirus, JC virus, simian virus 40, BK virus, and cytomegalovirus. These viruses may affect the cell cycle and inhibit apoptosis, allowing uncontrolled cell division.

Over 350 non-toxic natural and alternative treatments that have helped thousands of people beat their cancer. Over 2,000 testimonials! Success rates for surgery, chemo and radiation revealed! Free information on financial and other help available. Download this set of 4 e-Books and Reports NOW. It could save your life.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mesothelioma and Litigation: How to Get Cash For Asbestos Lung Cancer Palliative Care

By Peter Nisbet

Mesothelioma is a particularly nasty form of lung cancer, and mesothelioma litigation is increasingly being used as a means of getting cash for asbestos lung cancer palliative care. Without it, many families would not be able to afford professional care for their loved ones, and would have to tend for them themselves at the worst possible time for them and for the patient.

Incidences of mesothelioma asbestos lung cancer are steadily increasing, which indicates just how insidious this disease is. Caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers, the symptoms can take upwards of 40 years after exposure to appear, and may people who suffer do not even remember being exposed to the substance. It does not take much exposure, and many cannot understand the diagnosis when it is available because they cannot remember ever being exposed to asbestos.

There are no known 100% effective conventional medical treatments for mesothelioma, and the prognosis is generally bad. However, there are several things that can be done to alleviate pain and make the patient’s life more comfortable. While drugs can help, hospice care is an option that takes pressure of the family and provides a comfortable environment for the patient. However, these alternatives can be expensive and if responsibility can be placed on an employer for the exposure that ultimately led to the disease, then compensation can pay for the palliative care.

This is not seeking charity, but rather making those responsible pay for the treatment. A high level of compensation will be needed to pay for the treatment and care needed, and in order to achieve this result you will require the services of a good mesothelioma attorney. Any lawyer will not do due to the specialized knowledge needed to persuade judges and juries that there very few causes of asbestos lung cancer other than exposure to the fibrous silicates that make up asbestos.

The compensation awarded can be very large, although smokers will receive less since their habit can be construed as contributing to the disease. Mesothelioma is not just another word for asbestos cancer, but is in fact a cancer of the mesothelium, a membrane that lines many body cavities, including the thoracic, or chest cavity. The lining of the lungs is called the pleura, so mesothelioma refers to any form of lung cancer involving that membrane. In fact 80% of mesothelioma cases are caused by smoking.

It is therefore very difficult for smokers to blame asbestos exposure for mesothelioma unless they have been working with asbestos. However, a good asbestos attorney should be able to secure a reasonable level of compensation, even for a smoker. It will be a fight though, since the asbestos companies and employers that required employees to work with the substance are aware of the high levels of compensation being awarded, and now actively fight such cases.

When you consult a law firm with a view to instructing them to fight your mesothelioma case, you should insist on talking with the attorney that will be handling your case. You can then discuss your strategy, and you can make sure that your attorney has had previous success with such cases. You don’t want to retain a loser!

Ask questions, and determine the success rate of your prospective attorney in such cases. He or she must also appreciate your condition and understand how you feel, so that they can fight your case properly. Nothing can beat experience in a mesothelioma asbestos cancer lawsuit, so make sure that you get the best you can afford. Better still: tell them their fee depends upon them winning!

About the Author: For more information on mesothelioma litigation, and asbestos lung cancer palliative care, check out Pete’s website on Welsh Health where you will find lots of good advice on choosing the right attorney.


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Thursday, April 2, 2009

How Smoking Causes Lung Cancer

By Randolph Meresmaa

It has been well known for the entire second half of the 20. century that smoking caused lung cancer. Smoking not only increases the risk of lung cancer among smokers, but the risk of esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, oral cavity cancer, kidney cancer and also laryngeal cancer is increased as well. These forms of cancers are expected to rise among women as a result of their increased levels of smoking.

The heavy use of tobacco not only causes different types of cancer, but it also increases the risk of many cardiovascular diseases. In eastern and also central europe more than 400 000 premature deaths are caused by tobacco smoking each year. The current levels of lung cancer among young men in eastern and central europe is greater than ever before. Cigarette smoking is unfortunately still going up in central and eastern europe and also in China, where tobacco related deaths are increasing very rapidly. Lung cancer is the major tobacco-related tumor and the leading cause of cancer death in men in almost all developed countries. Since lung cancer is frequently fatal, mortality rates are high, and consequently so are the social costs.

Cigarette smoking among women has also increased dramatically. More and more women take up cigarette smoking all over the world. For many years it appeared that the rates of lung cancer where low and that tobacco was not having the same effect for women as it has for men. But this has now turned out to be false and there is no evidence that the risk of lung cancer because of smoking is greater in men than in women. It takes a long time between the exposure and the effect. Lung cancer now exceeds breast cancer as the leading cancer cause of death in women in Canada, the USA, Scotland, and many other countries.

Cigarette smoking kills half of all those who adopt the habit, with half of the death occurring in middle age and each losing about 20 years of non-smoker's life expectancy. Lung cancer is of course the most common cause of death but cigarette smoking can cause death in 24 different ways. Cigarette smoking in men has been declining while it has been increasing in women. And also the lung cancer rates have increased among women and decreased among men. Tobacco is a addictive drug, there is no such thing as a "safe" cigarette, young adults should be convinced not to smoke and smokers should be helped and urged to stop. Hopefully some day in the future we can say "how smoking caused lung cancer" not "how smoking causes lung cancer."

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What Are the Symptoms of Lung Cancer

By Randolph Meresmaa

It is very hard to detect the symptoms of lung cancer because you may have symptoms like shortness of breath, cough that you that are related to respiratory problems. Knowing exactly what are the symptoms of lung cancer is also important because the earlier it is detected the better your chances are of recovery. The more people are aware of the possible symptoms the easier the treatment will be.

Symptoms of lung cancer can be:

• Coughing that does not go away or is different then before. Smokers who have chronic coughing have a change in how much they cough and how severe the coughing is. • Shortness of breath. It is a common symptom of many medical disorders. • Back, chest or shoulder pain that often gets worse with deep breathing and does not go away. • Coughing up bloody mucus or blood • Wheezing. Wheezing is commonly experienced by persons with a lung disease; the most common cause of recurrent wheezing is asthma, a form of reactive airway disease. • Swelling in the neck and face • Loss of appetite and/or weight loss (Cachexia). It can be a sign of various underlying disorders; when a patient presents with cachexia, a doctor will generally consider the possibility of cancer, metabolic acidosis. • Recurring respiratory infections • Difficulty in swallowing (Dysphagia.) • Numbness and weakness of the legs and arms • Bone pain • Vormiting and nausea • Headaches • Seizures

Many of the symptoms of lung cancer are nonspecific. In many patients, the cancer has already spread beyond the original site by the time they have symptoms and seek medical attention. About 10% of people with lung cancer do not have symptoms at diagnosis.

Over 350 non-toxic natural and alternative treatments that have helped thousands of people beat their cancer. Over 2,000 testimonials! Success rates for surgery, chemo and radiation revealed! Free information on financial and other help available. Download this set of 4 e-Books and Reports NOW. It could save your life.

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